Here Are 16 of the Best Astronomy Photos of 2021

This photo, called “The Star Observer,” was captured in Menorca, Spain.

This picture, referred to as “The Star Observer,” was captured in Menorca, Spain.
Image: Royal Observatory Greenwich/Antoni Cladera Barceló (Spain)

The shortlisted entries have been chosen for the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competitors. From beautiful sunsets on Mars to spectacular views of Saturn and stellar nurseries, these images will transport you throughout the cosmos.

This is the thirteenth working of the annual contest, organized by the Royal Observatory Greenwich in affiliation with BBC Sky at Night Magazine. The successful photos shall be introduced at a particular on-line ceremony on September 16, 2021, after which placed on show on the National Maritime Museum, alongside a collection of distinctive shortlisted photos. Here’s a collection of our favourite shortlisted candidates.

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