Google Pixel smartphones could also be assembled in India sooner or later, in response to a report. Apparently, Google has solicited bids from producers in India to make part of the corporate’s estimated annual manufacturing of the Pixel smartphones. Google is reportedly planning to shift Pixel cellphone meeting from China due COVID-19 lockdowns within the nation which have hit manufacturing and provide chains. Another motive highlighted for this shift in manufacturing is rising geopolitical tensions between China and the US. Google turns into the second main firm after Apple India as an alternate manufacturing hub.
A report by The Information (via Reuters) cited an individual with direct data of the discussions as saying that Google has solicited bids from producers in India to make between 5,00,000 and 1 million Pixel smartphones. These numbers signify 10 % to twenty % of the estimated annual manufacturing for Google’s Pixel smartphones.
The causes cited for shifting a few of its Pixel smartphone manufacturing outdoors China are the nation’s COVID-19 lockdowns which have disrupted manufacturing and provide chains and rising geopolitical tensions with the US after a visit by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan earlier this 12 months.
It isn’t recognized what fashions of Pixel smartphones Google desires to assemble in India. The final flagships that Google bought in India had been the Pixel 3 collection of smartphones. Google skipped Pixel 4 collection however introduced the mid-ranger Pixel 4a, skipped Pixel 5 collection in addition to Pixel 5a, and once more launched solely the premium Pixel 6a within the nation skipping the flagship Pixel 6 collection completely. The firm is about to launch the Pixel 7 collection on October 6.
Google has turn out to be the second main producer after Apple which is mulling shifting part of its smartphone manufacturing to India. The Cupertino firm can also be reportedly planning to make use of its manufacturing strains within the nation to complement iPhone 14 manufacturing in China amid geopolitical points and disrupted financial exercise because of COVID-19 restrictions within the nation.
#Google #Plans #Assemble #Pixel #Smartphones #India #Report